Our Story
Asia and Kia met 9 years ago in New Mexico when Kia's husband introduced himself to the Muhammad's the only African American couple in the neighborhood. The Kennedy's soon learned that the Muhammad's were from Detroit Michigan as the Kennedy's were. The Kennedy's friendship blossomed. Asia and Kia began to compare hair struggle notes and both decided that they wanted to begin the natural hair journey. The ladies made the "Big Chop" and discovered an array of products, the challenge of finding products that could help them maintain moisturized tresses in the desert heat. The two began researching the ingredients found in the products they had on hand. Asia and Kia discovered that many of the products contained ingredients that are naturally drying for naturally curly or coily tresses, such as alcohols. The two ladies soon became mixologist and began formulating hair oils and creams that would create and maintain moist curls and coils. They never thought that they would start a natural hair and body company, but both are very proud owners.
Elle Naturalle sells a range of products from hand and body moisturizers to hair creme's and oils.
Our goal is to heal, repair and provide healthy hair and skin from a natural approach. Our market is for anyone who has the desire to have healthy hair and skin.